An instruction manual to make healthy bathing soap.

How to make Herbal Bathing Soap

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How to make Herbal Bathing Soap

January 10, 2022

Were you searching for a marvellous recipe to make your own bathing soap? Or are you just curious how it’s done? Don’t look any further, we have the perfect, and easy-to-follow steps to make your own Herbal Bathing Soap right here!


  • Mint
  • Aloa vera
  • Papaia leaves
  • Rosmary leaves
  • Iodine leaves
  • Plectranthus
  • Mistyplume
  • 380ml water (with herbal extract; Mint, Aloa Vera,…)
  • 400ml vegetable oil
  • 400ml coconut oil (or alteratively again vegetable oil)
  • 200ml shiabata oil
  • 158g caustic soda (Sodium hydroxide)
  • 20ml mint perfume (mint oil extract)


  1. Stamp the herbal leaves, mix them with water, and sieve them to obtain 380ml water with herbal extract
  2. Mix caustic soda with herbal water. Careful, it gets hot. Avoid to breath in the damps.
  3. Mix oils together.
  4. Mix caustic soda solution with the oil mix.
  5. Add mint perfume
  6. Spread the solution evenly in small “baking forms”.
  7. Leave them for 24 hours, then remove them from the form.
  8. After 6 further days, they are ready.

That’s it – enjoy your first self-made soap!